Friday, July 9, 2010

Getting Set-Up In Cafe World

If you're new to the Cafe World, it won't likely take long for you to figure out why this game has captured the imagination of so many people. There are a ton of options when it comes to what recipes you can cook, which types of decorations you choose to make the place look nice, and how you set up your tables, and stoves. Because you do have so many options though, it can be a little difficult at first to figure out where to start in order to develop your cafe right. Seating plans are everything.

From the very begining you want to have the most efficient table arrangment possible so you can get the most out of your cafe. You want to ensure that your waiters do not have to walk long distances to serve your customers and you also want to be able to fit as many people as possible in your restaurant. It is much more important to keep your waiters walking distance short than it is for your customers. A customer will not leave because it talks awhile to walk to their seat but they will leave if they have to sit for a long time to be served.

This important factor can be key in planning out the set-up of your restaurant. As you expand you must always keep this in mind as it will get more complicated as you add more waiters and tables. Once you have the perfect set up it will be easy to keep a high buzz rating and steady money stream leading to the ultimate cafe in no time!

Why the Layout of Your Cafe is So Important in Cafe World

A lot of the fun of playing Cafe World is the fact that you can customize your cafe in all sorts of ways. You can choose to add many different kinds of tables and chairs, doors and windows to create just the atmosphere you're looking for. You can also select from any of a number of other tasteful and interesting decorations. There are even several stylish options for the clothing that your own character wears.

But no matter what you decide to do when it comes to decorating your cafe, you need to remember that the way you set up your tables, chairs, counters and stoves will not only impact the ambiance of the place. It will also have a lot to do with your ability to succeed in the game and grow you business overall.

Easy Access Means Easy Money

First and foremost, you need to arrange your furniture so that your customers will actually be able to get to all of the available tables and chairs. If you have, for instance, three chairs in a row up against a wall, the middle chair is simply wasted space. Your customers can't walk past the outer chairs to get to the middle one, so you'll actually likely lose customers needlessly when they walk in and can't find a place to sit.

Since you know you never want to let customers walk away unsatisfied, you want to make sure that you have enough seating. It's easy to lose site of this aspect of your cafe. After all, you're the most actively involved in preparing and serving food � trying to make sure you always have food available and that the food on your stoves doesn't sit there too long and spoil. But none of that careful planning will do you any good if you don't have tables and chairs available for your customers to sit and eat at.

Save Your Waiter's Legs

Even when your customers are able to find an empty seat, they'll only wait so long to get their meal. That's why you need to make sure you set your tables up in a way that makes it easy for your waiter or waitress to get around. The quicker they can get back and forth from the serving counters to the tables, the easier it will be for you to make sure every customer who walks through your door gets their food in a timely manner.

Another thing you can do to help give your wait staff more time to serve your customers is to give your customers a long walk to their tables. This means essentially putting in a lot of twists and turns so that your customers will have to take the long way around from the door to their seat. Being generally rather agreeable, your customers really don't mind this at all. And the extra walking time for your customers means more time for your waiters and waitresses to stay caught up on their serving cycles. If you keep these items in mind as you add more tables and chairs to your cafe, you'll be well on your way to success in Cafe World.

Why Keeping Your Cafe World Customers Happy Is So Important

There are a lot of things to keep track of when you're trying to keep your cafe up and running in Cafe World. You need to make sure your dishes are coming along nicely, that you have enough servings left on your counters, and that the food you're making isn't going to spoil before you can get back to attend to it. If you're like most people, you also want to spend some time decorating your cafe and putting your own personal touch on things.

All of this is fine � that's what's so great about this game. There are so many options for game play and you can make so many decisions on your own that the possibilities for what you can accomplish in Cafe World really are just about endless. But with all of these decisions to make and avenues to explore, you do have to remember to take care of one other thing as well � your customers.

Business Is Business

If you want to be successful in Cafe World, you have to remember why your cafe exists in the first place. And that's to serve your customers. You can decorate your cafe, rearrange your tables, and explore all kinds of menu options, but at the end of the day, none of it will do you any good if you aren't able to keep customers coming through your door. Just as with any business, you have to give your customers what they want if you want to stay in business.

Cashing In

It's easy to focus on making coins as quickly as possible when you're working to build up your business in Cafe World, and there's nothing wrong with that. You've got to make money if you want to keep your doors open. And keeping your customers happy is the best way to maximize you profit potential. The more satisfied customers you send out the door, the more people will venture into your cafe.

Your Buzz Rating, the �thumbs up� number in the upper right hand corner of your screen, is a direct reflection of how happy you're making your customers. It's also directly related to the number of customers that walk through your door. The higher your Buzz Rating, the more quickly your customers will start to stream in, and so the faster they'll spend money.

Dishes vs Service

You can take all of the time you want planning out the perfect cooking and serving rotation so that you're maximizing your earning potential per sale. But that's not how you're going to bring in the most coins quickly. No matter how much your entree costs per serving, you only make money as quickly as you can serve it. Essentially, the quicker your sales, the more money you'll make.

Keep you customers happy and coming back regularly, and you'll see the coins piling up fast. This may not sound like what you want to hear. After all, there are much more interesting things to do in Cafe World than pay attention to all those people walking in and out of your door all day long. It's not nearly as complicated as it sounds. When you make the right decisions for your cafe, you'll be making the right decisions for your customers too. After all, it's just good business sense.

What's So Special About Cafe World Gifts?

If you're familiar with some of the other social networking games out there, you've probably come across the practice of giving free gifts to your neighbors and receiving gifts from them. These gifts are generally items that you could buy yourself. But of course, it's always nice to get things for free. In Cafe World though, the gifts you give and receive break from this mold in several ways. They may actually be more important to your success in Cafe World than they are in any other social networking game that fits this same general mold, so don't be too quick to write them off just yet.

Unpurchaseable Merchandise

All of the items that can be gifted in Cafe World cannot be acquired any other way, and they give you a distinct advantage. These mysterious drinks actually consist of drinks, appetizers, and cookies, but when you serve them to your customers, you get extra coins for each customer in your cafe at the time they're served. For this reason, it's a big help to have a lot of gifts on hand, but to get a lot of gifts, you've got to have a lot of neighbors. Each of your neighbors will be limited on how many gifts they can send you within a certain time period, so the more neighbors you have, the more gifts you'll be able to accumulate.

Give to Receive

Of course, you can't just expect your friends to keep sending you gifts at the earliest possible opportunity on a regular basis. They need to be getting something out of the deal, and they also may just need to be reminded once in a while. That's why the best thing you can do if you want to get a lot of gifts is to give a lot of gifts. This is the easiest way to both remind your friends to send one your way and to put them in the mood to do it. And that way, you both benefit.

Don't Squander Your Gifts

The benefit you get from the gifts you receive will depend greatly on when you choose to use them. For instance, the chocolate chunk cookies will get you 5 coins per customer, but those customers have to be seated in your cafe when you use your gift for you to get the bonus for them. That means that if you use your cookies when there are only 4 customers eating in your cafe, you'll get 20 coins total from that gift. If you want until there are 10 customers seated at once, however, you'll make 50 coins off of the exact same gift.

These details make it easy to see that, not only are gifts very important to the ultimate success of your cafe, but that you actually have a lot of control over how many you receive and how much of a benefit you get out of them. It's easy to just write off things like gifts as nice bonuses to get, but aspects of the game that are of secondary importance. If you want to get ahead in Cafe World though, you'd be wise to think of gifts a little differently in this context.

Planning the Optimal Cafe World Menu

There are lots of tempting options when it comes to the items you can choose to put on your menu in Cafe World. As you advance to higher and higher levels of game play too, you only wind up unlocking more and more options in this regard. It can be very tempting to cook one item or another because of your own personal tastes, and really there's nothing wrong with indulging yourself from time to time. If you want to be successful in this business though, you'll have to make some more objective and analytical decisions when it comes to dish selection for your cafe.

Planning Around Your Schedule

The first thing you have to take into account when you're trying to decide what to cook is how soon you're going to be able to get back to check on your cafe and transfer prepared entrees from the stove to the serving counters. No matter how well planned your menu is, it won't do you much good if you don't get back to serve it in time.

Food that sits on the stove for too long will spoil rather quickly, and this is something you want to avoid at all costs. Not only will you lose the opportunity to serve this food, and so have to wait longer to replenish your serving counters, you'll lose the money you spent on the ingredients that went into making is. You'll also have to pay to clean up the mess which, while not a hefty sum, starts to loom larger and larger when you're not making money off of the food you're preparing.

Maximizing Your Earnings

Another factor to consider when you're making your decision about what to cook in any given situation is how many servings each preparation of that dish will create. This is important for a couple of reasons. One is that you want to be able to make enough food to last until you can get back to your cafe and refill your serving counters. That way you can continue making money all day and night, which is obviously the ideal situation.

The other reason this is important is because you need to have an empty serving counter when you're taking a new dish off the stove. If you're simply bringing out more of one of the dishes you're already serving, you can simply add those new servings to what was left of the old. However, if you have an entirely new entree coming off the stove, you'll need to have an empty serving spot available on the counter. This is a part of the menu planning process that is easily overlooked, but it can lead to a lot of spoiled food if you have entrees ready to come off of the stove but nowhere to put them.

Cost Per Serving

And of course, you want to pay attention to how much you'll make each time a customer purchases an entree. Maximizing this number will help you get the highest return per hour because it will mean you're getting the most out of each customer who walks through the door. And that, after all, is the goal of any good business owner.

Maintaining a High Buzz Rating

Success in Cafe World largely depends on your restaurant's Buzz Rating in the game. The Buzz Rating sits at the top right-hand side of the screen, and is a measure of your restaurant's fame. The higher the number, the more people will pile into your restaurant at the same time, turning up the heat on your profit potential. Buzz rating is based on your customers experiences at your restaurant. If a customer has a good experince your buzz rating will go up. However if one of your customers has a bad experince which can happen a few different, your buzz rating will go down.

Good customer experinces are caused by only one variable; if a customer pays for his or her food it means they have had a good experince resulting in your buzz rating going up by 0.1. You buzz rating will only ever increase by 0.1 and has nothing to do with the dish being served or how fast it was served to the customer. Bad customer experinces on the other hand can occur for multiple reasons all resulting in you losing buzz rating. If a customer walks into your cafe and has to wait too long for a seat they will leave causing your cafe to lose some of its buzz.

If a customer takes a seat and has to wait to long to be served they will also leave having a bad experince and will leave you with a lower buzz. If you are able to keep your customers happy your buzz rating will go up and your cafe will be flooded with hungry customers.

How to Make the Most Money in Cafe World

Cafe World is a great place to go to escape the rigors of everyday life. You have the opportunity to open your very own cafe and run a sucessful business. However, not everything in Cafe World is an escape from the ordinary. You still need money for just about everything you do. You have to buy the ingredients to cook, and you'll even have to pay for all the stoves you plan to make your recipes with. These costs are easily managed of course because you're serving and selling your food for more than it cost to make them.

There are a lot of other items you can buy in Cafe World to decorate and build up your cafe, and you won't be able to get these without some significant sums of cash. Buying these items will also get you some much needed experience points to help you advance to the next level, so you'll have to find a way to make sure you have enough money for all the discretionary items you want to buy. Earnings Per Hour Because you'll be needing your coins for so much in Cafe World, you need to maximize the earning potential of your cafe.

The best way to do this is to figure out which recipes pay out the most coins per hour. For example, spitfire roaster chicken cost 614 coins sell for 3200 coins and they take 1 day to cook earning you 2585 coins. Homestyle pot roast, on the other hand cost 1815 coins, takes 2 days to cook and sell for 5750 coins, earning you 3935 coins. That means, you'll earn 108 coins per hour by cooking spitfire roaster chicken, while the homestyle potroast will only get you 81 coins per hour. This may seem like a small difference, but these small amounts can add up fast. Of course, you won't be getting your money's worth unless you can cook food as soon as they're ready and immediately make more on that stove.

A Quick Turnaround If you're not going to be able to get back to your cafe for 24 hours, you're much better off cooking the homestyle roast. The longer you leave a dish after it's done cooking, the less you'll be getting per hour once you serve it. You can only make money fast on recipes that cook quickly if you're going to be able to serve and remake as soon as they're ready to serve. Make sure you take these details into consideration when you're selecting your recipes, and you'll be seeing your bank account swelling in no time.

How to Level Up Quickly in Cafe World

Everyday more and more people are joining the new facebook application, Cafe World. At the time of writing this about 500,000 new players each day, and there are plenty of reasons why. In Cafe World you have the change to forget about everyday life, all the problems and emotions, and just lay back and run your cafe. As you do this you will naturally advance in levels over time. There may come a time though when you want to get a little more out of the game. Every time that you level up in Cafe World you will unlock new ovens, tables, chairs and other decorations. Which means the get the most out of your Cafe World experience you will have to level up quickly to unlock all of the items and bonuses before your friends do!

But how do you do this? There are several things to keep in mind if you want to level up your cafe quickly in Cafe World. You probably already know that in order to level up you must accumulate Cafe Points(CP). For example each recipe that you cook up, you will gain a certain number of points. You need to focus on which recipe gives the most experience points, but not only that. Each recipe will take a certain amount of time to cook so you must look at which recipe will give you the most CP per hour. The bacon cheeseburger is your best bet when you are starting out since it you can gain up to 84 cafe points per hour as it only takes 5 minutes to cook. But if you are going to be away from your cafe for a few hours or maybe even a day, that will not be the best option as the burgers will rot in that time. You have to look at the time it takes to cook each recipe and think about how long you will be away for. Using a recipe guide will really help you as these lay out all the recipes showing amount of time to cook, cafe points per hour etc.